subconscious mind

Cultivating Success: Harnessing the Power of Your Unconscious Mind

Within the depths of your mind exists an extraordinary power—a force with the potential for propelling you towards boundless success or confining you to your current state. Your mind serves as the architect of your present reality, molding it with every thought and perception. It holds the key to shaping your experiences, and offers you the opportunity to transcend limitations and actualize your most ideal life. The choice is yours to take the reigns and embark upon a journey of self-discovery and unlock your greatest potential. Will you embrace the challenge, or will you remain stagnant? The choice is yours.

How Thinking Shapes Your Reality

Your thought patterns are the engine behind your perception. Thoughts are living things that have a direct effect on your physiology, as well as on your external world. Conscious thoughts are born in your Unconscious Mind, and rise up into your awareness. Depending on how your Unconscious Mind is tuned, these thoughts could either be productive and conducive of more positive things, or destructive.

Thought patterns, and more fundamentally, the construct of your Unconscious Mind will, dictate your present and future experiences. For example, you may be struggling with a recurring thought pattern of “lack,” your thoughts may include things like: I don’t have enough money, I don’t have enough connection with family, I don’t have enough status, I don’t have enough… I don’t have enough.” In this example, your Unconscious Mind is programmed for scarcity, and your perception will always be that of lack. In order to adjust this, and alter the direction of your experiences, your thought patterns will need to be adjusted.

Continuing forward with this example of scarcity, if you are able to recognize your “scarcity thoughts” and replace them with “fulfilled thoughts,” you will quickly notice how things in your life will begin to change. Rather than having a fear of lack in your mind, you can replace the fear with its opposite.. you can work on adjusting these thoughts from, “I am lonely because I don’t have meaningful connections with others,” to “I am joyful because I have powerful and aligned community.” Even if you don’t currently have the amount of connections that you would like, downloading this new thought pattern will lead you closer and closer to where you want to be.

As you begin moving forward with your more positive thoughts, flashes of insight, synchronicities and clues will begin presenting themselves and will lead you closer and closer to where you intend to be. This is why creating a vision of your most ideal life, prior to adjusting your thought patterns is crucial. This way, you will know exactly how you want your life to look, and which direction to move in.

As you begin introspecting and recognizing the thoughts that are causing you suffering, you can begin replacing them with thoughts that serve you, rather than hinder you. This process will help you tune your Unconscious Mind into one that is conducive of power that brings you joy, contentedness, excitement, peace and abundance. Your Unconscious Mind is the engine room of your life and it must be worked on. Reclaim your mind and unlock its magic!

How to Improve Your Thinking

The number one exercise you can do to begin tailoring your Unconscious Mind is the practice of Introspecting and identifying the thoughts or perceptions that are hindering you, and not leading to more positive things. Introspecting requires diligence and digging deep into why you are having certain thoughts and perceptions. The practice of introspecting doesn’t require any special practice, it is simply bringing your awareness to your thoughts, and their resulting feelings.

For example, if you notice that the site of money inspires within you feelings of fear, lack, anxiety, or other negative feelings, you can take note of that and dig into why it gave you that sort of reaction. This is actually a very common feeling, as most of us have at least at one point struggled with money. This can cause you to associate money with these negative feelings that have taken root in your Unconscious Mind, thus generating these negative feelings every time you see money, in varying degrees. If these these feelings are ingrained in your Unconscious Mind, they will affect your physiology (even if your response is subtle).

As you begin recognizing these responses that are causing you a degree of suffering, rather than building you up, you can either take a mental note of them, or better yet, write them down in a journal. As you begin collecting an inventory of your response patterns to certain things, you can begin replacing them with their opposites, using the concept of mind-scripts.
Using the previous example, this would be something like taking your negative response to money, and replacing it with excitement (an abundance thought). So in this case, taking the response of, “I am fearful because I never have enough money,” to “I am encouraged because there are so many opportunities to create even more money.” Once you are able to digest this new thought pattern into your Unconscious Mind, you will begin noticing that your responses to money are quite different, and even joyful or exciting!

Furthermore, as you digest and implement this new abundance thought pattern, you will begin noticing opportunities you may not have previously seen which will encourage and strengthen your new thought pattern. These new joyous feelings around money, may lead you to start seeking to learn more about it and spot new ways of increasing your supply. Rather than running from it and avoiding it, you are now confronting it in a positive light and working to build a healthier relationship with it. It becomes something that brings you joy, rather than scares you. In this example, the subject of “money” can be replaced with anything that you desire; healthier body, better romantic relationship, better community connection, increasing your intelligence, etc..

More Advanced Practices of Tuning Your Unconscious Mind Include:

Mystical Implications of Tuning Your Mind

The Unconscious Mind is an extremely powerful force, it is the engine from which your life is experienced. It has the power to bring about positive experiences and also negative experiences. It is a powerhouse that can bring about amazing changes, and can also lead to tremendous suffering.

With this seemingly magical force, it is easy to venture into the realms of “the law of assumption” or into the practices of “the law of attraction.” However it seems that all of these various methods are simply aimed at adjusting the architecture of your Unconscious Mind, which as mentioned earlier, can have a tremendous impact on the trajectory of your life. Whichever method you subscribe to can work wonders, the main point is to work on adjusting your Unconscious Mind so it serves you, rather than harms you.

I BARGAINED with Life for a penny,
And Life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening
When I counted my scanty store;

For Life is a just employer,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why, you must bear the task.

I worked for a menial’s hire,
Only to learn, dismayed,
That any wage I had asked of Life,
Life would have paid.

By: Jessie Belle Rittenhouse

Even if you do not believe in the mystical implications of adjusting your Unconscious Mind, as you experience the effects of doing this work, you should be able to understand how these things can be perceived as mystical. As you begin doing this work, you will begin noticing synchronicities that do seem beyond logic. Whatever you perceive the root causes of these events to be, at the very least, you can agree that they have a direct and encouraging effect on your life path.

Tuning your Unconscious Mind and giving it special attention, will definitely lead to drastic changes in your life. It is important to continue this work as long as you live, so you can best serve yourself and others. As you begin tuning your Unconscious Mind, it will lead to further and further alignment with who you truly are. Your intuition desires that you live in alignment and actualize your highest self. It is simply your job to listen to your intuition, adjust your thoughts and make these things happen.

Your Unconscious Mind has a direct impact on your life-path, it is what attracts certain experiences to you, and manifests certain feelings. Once you begin taking control of this engine, you can begin adjusting what sort of life experiences come your way. Dig deep within yourself and begin learning about what you truly want, and as you tune your mind to these desires, you will begin noticing how they start appearing in your external reality for you. These experiences may feel mystical indeed, however you can credit your own ability at tuning your unconscious mind.

The Benefits of Tuning Your Unconscious Mind

There are many benefits of taking control of and tuning your Unconscious Mind. As you begin this journey, you will quickly begin noticing benefits. Although this is a lifelong process, the effects are immediate. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Increased Self Awareness: As you embark upon the journey of taking note of and tuning your Unconscious Mind, this will inevitably lead to a better relationship with your self. As you observe your inner-workings, and begin developing the confidence that you have control over these things, you will increase your self-awareness.
  2. Enhanced Mental Health: Tuning your Unconscious Mind will lead to improved mental well-being. By replacing negative thought patterns with positive ones, you reduce feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression, and will promote a more positive outlook on life.
  3. Improved Relationships: As you cultivate a healthier mindset, you are likely to notice improvements in your relationships with others. By cultivating thoughts of abundance, gratitude, and compassion, you will attract healthier, more fulfilling connections with those around you.
  4. Increased Resilience: Tuning your Unconscious Mind equips you with the tools to navigate life’s challenges more effectively. By developing a resilient mindset, you’re better equipped to bounce back from setbacks and persevere in the face of adversity. Replacing thoughts such as “failure” with “learning lessons,” you will find that navigating setbacks becomes way easier and more productive.
  5. Greater Success and Fulfillment: As you align your Unconscious Mind with your goals and aspirations, you’ll find yourself moving closer to achieving them. By cultivating a mindset of abundance and possibility, you open yourself up to a world of opportunities and experiences that contribute to a more fulfilling life.
  6. Heightened Creativity and Innovation: By tapping into the power of your Unconscious Mind, you will unlock your creative potential. As you cultivate a mindset of curiosity and exploration, you’ll find yourself generating innovative ideas and solutions to challenges.
  7. Enhanced Physical Health: Research suggests that the mind-body connection is profound, and tuning your Unconscious Mind can have tangible effects on your physical health. By reducing stress and promoting positive thoughts, you may experience improvements in areas such as immune function, cardiovascular health, and pain management.
  8. Greater Sense of Purpose and Alignment: Tuning your Unconscious Mind allows you to align with your core values and gifts, leading to a greater sense of purpose and alignment in life. By connecting with your innermost desires and intuition, you will be more motivated and inspired to actualize your most ideal life.


In the journey of life, your mind serves as the engine that guides your through the vast expanse of experiences and possibilities. As you delve into the realm of your Unconscious Mind, you will unearth the profound influence your thoughts wield over your reality. Through introspection and intentional tuning of your Unconscious Mind, you will unlock the transformative power that will reshape your perception, and forge a path toward greater fulfillment and success.

The benefits of tuning your Unconscious Mind extends beyond mere psychological shifts; it will permeate every facet of your existence, from your relationships and resilience to your creativity and physical well-being. By embracing this journey of self-discover and growth, you will find yourself on a profound odyssey towards a life aligns with your deepest desires and aspirations.

As you heed the call of your intuition and heed the wisdom of your Unconscious Mind you will reclaim agency over your destiny and embark on a journey of self-mastery and empowerment. With each step forward, you will get closer to actualizing your fullest potential and welcome in a reality of abundance, joy and fulfillment.

So, embark upon this journey with courage and conviction, knowing that the power to shape your reality is in your possession. Honor the power of your Unconscious Mind and embrace the journey that awaits, for in doing so, you will unlock the boundless potential of your truest self.

alec holmes
Alec Holmes

Alec Holmes is the founder of, an avid explorer of the mind and poet. He is deeply inspired by those who are passionate about their craft and driven to help others reach their full potential. Often seeing common threads in seemingly unrelated ideas, his INTJ tendencies are both a blessing and a curse. His mission is to amplify the authentic, and share the beauty of new ideas- while equipping his audience with knowledge & wisdom that can be utilized to live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Alec Holmes is the founder of, an avid explorer of the mind and poet. He is deeply inspired by those who are passionate about their craft and driven to help others reach their full potential. Often seeing common threads in seemingly unrelated ideas, his INTJ tendencies are both a blessing and a curse. His mission is to amplify the authentic, and share the beauty of new ideas- while equipping his audience with knowledge & wisdom that can be utilized to live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives.

What are your Thoughts?